Virgin tours offers Corporate team building Programs which are narrowed down to suit your requirements. We have a bunch of activities which your team can carry out.
Teams of participants are taken by qualified facilitators through a series of tasks where they later reviewing the lessons learned from their successes and failures and moving on to the next task. They find out what it really means to plan, lead, listen, and coordinate. Above all they develop trust in each other, accept each other’s strengths, protect each other from their weaknesses, and share the load.
Team building: This is the base program.
1. Develop trust, communication, teamwork, effective working procedures and styles (including openness, time management, leadership, creativity and problem solving), and interpersonal understanding and relationships (including emotional intelligence and win-win attitudes).
2. Live by the organization healthy values, in support of its vision.
In-depth team development
Team analysis, Identifying team roles
Conflict management: how to transform negative energy into positive energy.
Becoming a high performance team, participants are helped to identify the characteristics of a high performance team.
Team evaluation.
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